Redline Breathalyser have numerous applications, such as:
Immediately following consumption of alcohol, to obtain guidance regarding the ability to drive within the 0.05BAC legal limit. (In such circumstances, a second test should be used a short while after the first to ensure that the BAC measurement is under the 0.05 indicator line, declining and not rising, before deciding to drive).
‘The morning after the night before’. It is easy to be in excess of a workplace BAC limit and even the drive driving limit following an evening of excessive consumption of alcohol.
To obtain an indication of a presence of greater than 0.02BAC – often the ‘at the workplace’ limit adopted by employers within ‘Health & Safety / Drug & Alcohol’ policies.
Promotion and driver education programs, promoting behavioral change.
Redline Breathalyser are an ideal and inexpensive device to enhance road safety programs, fit-for-duty campaigns, etc which educate consumers or employees about alcohol and the personal vagaries of its consumption relative to measurement.
For use by a Health & Safety supervisor in a workplace, to obtain quick and simple guidance regarding the possible intoxication of an employee.