Fixed Line Systems

KARAM provides a vast range of Permanent Horizontal and Vertical Anchorage Lines. These engineered systems are corrosion resistant and can be fixed on various structures to provide safe anchorage for an extended period of time.


Conforming to EN 795:2012 Type C and TS16415:2013

Systems can be used along crane rail runways, loading bays and docks, conveyors, rooftops, pipe racks, bridges and many other applications.

Applicable standard: EN795:2012

This European Standard is intended to use as a standard guideline for Horizontal Lifeline Systems fall protection.

The scope and the requirements are based on the philosophy that anchor devices are rated to sustain the maximum dynamic force generated in a fall from a height by the mass of one person including any equipment carried. The static strength tests are based on a minimum factor of safety of two to allow for foreseeable misuse of equipment.

A static load of 12 kN is required to be held for a minimum of three minutes without failure.

A dynamic performance and integrity test, where a shock load (9 kN at mobile anchor point) is created by using a test mass of 100 kgs freely falling from a specific height connected to a synthetic lanyard. The Lifeline is further subjected to a static pull of 300 kgs for a period of 3 minutes to ensure that the same Lifeline can be used for rescue after a fall.

The Lifelines can be of single span of different lengths (e.g. truck loading /unloading activities), or long Lifelines with multiple spans (e.g. installed on roof). The multi span Lifelines may also have a corner. All configurations and lengths may not be possible to test, hence EN 795 propose dynamic and integrity test where the manufacturer is required to predict the forces at extremity and displacement in the cable in set configurations of the Lifeline. The forces predicted and the displacement of the cable measured during tests should be within a tolerance of 20%.

As a result of static and dynamic test the system should not release the mobile anchor (carriage body).

Multi User Anchor Devices:

Applicable standard: CEN/TS 16415:2013

In many situations, anchor devices are required for more than one user. especially in jobs which are carried out by more than one person. To ensure that everyone has the same level of protection from fall, there is a need of different and more stringent approach.

In 2013 a technical sheet CEN/TS 16415:2013 was added to EN795:2012 to address the test requirements if the Lifeline is used by multiple users. The tests according to CEN/TS 16415:2013 is performed in addition to the test requirements of EN795.

The static load test increases the usual single user requirement in EN 795:2012 by 1.0 kN per extra user claimed (e.g. 13kN for 2 users, 14 kN for 3 users and 15 kN for 4 users and so on).

The dynamic performance and integrity test requires a 200 kgs test mass to represent two simultaneous users. For each additional user, a further dynamic performance test using a 100 kgs mass is carried out on the same system to simulate multiple users falling on the same anchor device (Lifeline).

The Lifeline is further subjected to a static pull of 600 kgs after the dynamic fall of 200 kgs for a period of 3 minutes to ensure that the same Lifeline can be used for rescue after a fall. Thereafter, for each additional user the static force is increased by 150 kgs (750 kgs for 3 users, 900 kgs for 4 user and so on).

After each dynamic drop test, the forces predicted and the displacement of the cable measured during tests should be within a tolerance of 20%.

The maximum dynamic force recorded during the tests should not be greater than 50% of the system strength.

As per desired results of dynamic and static tests, the system should not release the mobile anchor.

Multiple user anchor devices are not considered ‘personal’ protective equipment. For devices that will always be when used by two or more people simultaneously, it is recommended that before buying or using these devices, checks are made on the manufacturer’s quality system and that evidence is sought to demonstrate compliance with TS 16415:2013


Conforming to EN 353-1:2014+A1:2017

That are easy-to-use, require minimal maintenance and provide superior safety. Increase user mobility and productivity while ensuring smooth ascending/descending operations for one or multiple workers.

This European Standard is intended to use as a standard guideline for Vertical Lifeline Systems when used in personal fall protection systems.

The scope and the requirements are based on the philosophy that a guided type fall arrester including a rigid anchor line is rated to sustain the maximum dynamic load generated in a fall from a height by the mass of one person including any equipment carried. This European Standard applies to rigid anchor lines which are intended to be installed vertically.

Firebreak SA Karam Fixed Line Systems Catalogue April 2022